
What is FOSER?

The Friends of Little League’s Southeastern Region (FOSER) is a non-profit corporation incorporated in the State of Georgia and a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitably organization created by the 86 volunteer Little League District Administrators within the eight states of the Region.  While FOSER is an independent organization, it exists to support regional Little League Baseball and Softball activities and especially the work of the thousands of volunteers who run the nearly 800 local Little Leagues in the Region and make it possible for boys and girls from age 4 to 18 to play in neighborhoods and communities throughout the southeastern United States.

How is FOSER run?

FOSER is an organization created by Little League volunteers and designed to strengthen the volunteer activities that make Little League Baseball and Softball possible in the southeastern United States.  District Administrators – volunteers who are elected by the local leagues in their communities – created FOSER and these DAs in turn elect two of their members in each state to serve as Directors of FOSER.  Along with the Region Director, these 16 Directors serve on a volunteer basis to manage FOSER and raise and allocate resources to support programs and events that benefit local leagues and volunteers and promote local Little League activities through the Region headquarters in Warner Robins, GA.

What kinds of programs does FOSER support?

Little League Baseball and Softball programs rely on volunteers to organize and run the nearly 800 leagues in the eight states of the Southeastern Region, and these programs are usually run with modest budgets designed to keep registration fees as low as possible for participants.  FOSER supports programs and projects that strengthen volunteer training and skills, making local programs more effective.  FOSER also supports activities through the Region Headquarters that make their programs more accessible to more volunteers. 

FOSER accomplishes these goals with such activities as providing financial support for regional training seminars in Warner Robins as well as traveling roadshows where Region staff bring training programs to the states.  FOSER intends to greatly expand the use of available and emerging technologies to provide training and educational support to volunteers and leagues.  To promote Little League programs, FOSER will also support a Speakers Bureau designed to bring prominent baseball and softball personalities to speak at events organized in Districts and communities.

How are proposals evaluated, selected and monitored?

FOSER will consider proposals for support submitted by volunteers, leagues or other credible sources.  Each proposal is evaluated by the Board to ensure it is consistent with FOSER’s objectives.  After evaluation, proposals are considered by the Board and decisions made on the basis of effectiveness and benefit to local leagues and volunteers.  Programs and projects supported by FOSER are also closely monitored to ensure that established goals are met.  To ensure full transparency and impartiality in the use of FOSER funds, the Board operates under a clear conflict of interest policy and decisions by the Board on proposals are recorded in minutes.

What percentage of FOSER contributions go towards administrative expenses or overhead?

Since the FOSER Board consists of District Administrators, all of whom serve on a voluntary basis, with expenses largely covered by Directors or their state organizations, administrative expenses are minimal – consisting mainly of minor overhead costs.  As a result, virtually 100% of contributions go directly into the projects and programs supported by FOSER.

How will my contribution be recognized?

Individual supporters will have opportunities to attend FOSER events at Region Tournaments, and will – unless they choose to be anonymous – be recognized in FOSER’s annual report.  Friends of FOSER will also receive periodic information on activities associated with Region Headquarters and within the eight states of the Region.

Corporate supporters will have the opportunity to co-host FOSER-supported training seminars and events at the Region Headquarters and throughout the eight states of the southeastern United States.  Corporate supporters will also have the opportunity in many cases to participate in FOSER activities at Region Tournaments and be recognized on the FOSER website.